UT Guide to Protecting East Tennessee’s Water Resources
Source: Plan East Tennessee Website, October 2013–
East Tennessee’s iconic water resources are a sustaining economic, social, and environmental asset. These resources are vulnerable to impacts from prevailing development patterns in the region, human activities, and existing stormwater infrastructure. Each increase the quantity of polluted stormwater runoff draining to region’s streams, rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater resources, compromising their health and the health of the communities they sustain. With the Plan East Tennessee Region’s population poised to grow forty-three percent by 2040, reliance upon these water resources will increase while their health is further threatened by expanding development. Low Impact Development methods proposed in this publication offer existing and expanding communities an enhanced approach to watershed planning, community design, and site development that avoids, minimizes, and manages impacts to the region’s shared water resources.
See the complete report at this link: