2/4: Cherokee Lake Users Association Meeting, Morristown Area Chamber, 6:30P
2/6: Humana Guidance Center Advisory Meeting,
Humana Community Building 8A-9:30A
2/11: ETQG Executive Committee Meeting11:00A
2/19: Norris ProjectOak Ridge Rotary-12N
2/19: Knoxville Career Day Expo, 4P-7P
2/19-20: Coming Together to
Advance Health Equity, Tampa, FL
2/22: Policy Challenge Finals,Howard Baker Center Toyota Auditorium
2/23: Public Hearing at Indian Mountain State Park, 5:30 P Public hearing at Indian Mountain State Park to gather input on the business and management plan for the park
2/24: UT Watershed Symposium
8A to 6P
3/6: Regional Livability Release, Knoxville Chamber of Commerce 10A-11A
3/6: ETQG Board Meeting, Knoxville Chamber of Commerce 11A-1:30P
3/7: Neighborhoods Conference,
Knoxville Convention Center